Slow Down…

A note was published on Gapers Block yesterday announcing the site will go on an “indefinite hiatus” on January 1, 2016. If you followed the site at all, it’s worth reading the entire thing.

Gapers Block was my journalistic home for three years and as a result of the time spent there I grew as a writer, editor and person. I started as a writer for Mechanics, the politics section, which always kind of surprised me because I viewed myself as being completely unqualified as I had been a theater blogger and the most notable thing in my background was I dropped out of The Theatre School at DePaul University. From 2013 through 2015 I was the editor of Mechanics, which was a fun adventure and I’m eternally grateful to Andrew Huff, the editor and publisher, and Ramsin Canon, who proceeded me as the editor of Mechanics, for giving me the opportunity to contribute to the site.

As a send off, I thought I would round up my favorite pieces I wrote or edited because Gapers Block was such a unique part of Chicago media some of these pieces feel like they only could have been published there.

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Hey, Where Are You Writing?

After going five months without writing anything for a publication–although I did write blog posts, an intentionally bad play with a NSFW title and a frantic emotional tweet after seeing “Fun Home”–I am writing again as a freelance journalist.

I have an essay in the December issue of Riverwest Currents about receiving a copy of the New York Times at the age of 12, further cementing the fact I was a weird kid. If you live in Milwaukee, I recommend picking up a copy of the issue. If you do not live in Milwaukee, you can read the issue online and there’s a lot of fantastic writing in there. (Huge thanks to Vince Bushell, the paper’s publisher, for asking me to write about a Christmas gift.)

I promise I’m writing about other things, which I will try to post about more regularly.